Years 1 & 2 Curriculum

The boys in Years 1 & 2 enjoy an exciting and interesting curriculum covering Mathematics, English Science, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Art, Computing, STEAM, Music, French PHSE and Games. The boys have access to dedicated facilities such as the Computer Room, the Music Room, Sports Hall and field, Art and Design Room, Science Laboratories and Learning Resource Centre. In Years 1 & 2 the Form Tutor teaches the majority of subjects with subject specialists teaching French, Computing, Sport, and Music. By the time the boys reach Year 3 the form teachers teach across the year group plus the boys now have a specialist Art lesson too. Their Form Tutor continues to oversee their pastoral needs and daily care.

Boys have an excellent teacher to pupil ratio and benefit from small class sizes, with a teaching assistant working in each year group. Lessons are delivered to offer a good balance of whole class, small group and individual teaching. Boys are taught in mixed ability classes and work is differentiated.

Boys are teacher assessed regularly to ensure they make good progress. At the end of each topic, in all subjects, an internal appraisal takes place based on summative and formative assessment. Parents’ Evenings are held twice a year, offering a formal opportunity for parents to meet their son’s teachers. In addition staff are always available at the end of the day for informal conversations and contactable by email for other appointments. Full written summative reports are sent home at the end of each academic year.