Welcome to Years 1 & 2

In Year 1 & 2, we build on the outstanding start that the boys receive in their Reception year. Our well-orchestrated curriculum allows for the integration of academic, physical and social skills and we aim to develop independence both in the boys' learning and in their overall school life.

There is a very strong pastoral ethos that aligns with the values of our Upper School. Through our support of many charities we aim to deepen the boys’ insight into the world around them.

Our Year 1 and 2 boys have specialist lessons in Sport, Music, French and Computing. Our curriculum aims to capture the boys’ imagination and engage them as active participants in the learning process. There are a wide variety of enrichment activities and also educational trips that support the boys' learning (for example: Year 1 - Hever Castle, and Year 2 - Gatton Park). Many boys begin to play individual instruments during the Lower School years and this is celebrated and built on as they enter the senior school. Our boys take part in two musical performances each year.