At Homefield we believe that music should be an essential part of the all-round education that the boys receive. Music lessons are part of the curriculum and all boys from Reception through to Year 8 have regular music lessons. The boys learn how to read music, sing from notation or by rote, play recorders, keyboards and tuned percussion, leading to composing their own music. 80% of the boys also choose to take individual musical instrument lessons.
Our facilities include a purpose-built music suite with keyboards, drum kit, concert xylophone, glockenspiel, classroom percussion and computers (with Sibelius and Cubase), a fantastically equipped percussion studio plus four instrumental teaching rooms.
"Pupils display high levels of musicianship and enjoy writing their own music as well as playing it."
ISI Inspection Report, December 2021
Previously Homefield boys have been offered music scholarships at the following schools:
Brighton College | City of London | City of London Freemans |
Dulwich | King's College | Trinity |
Westminster | Whitgift | Eton |
Individual Instrumental Lessons
At Homefield a team of eight self-employed instrumental music staff give lessons at school on rotation timetables. If you would like your son to start individual music lessons complete and return the relevant form below: